Last Updated: 11-Jul-2020
MSc in Mathematics, 2021
BITS Pilani
BE in EEE, 2021
BITS Pilani
Deep Reinforcement Learning based optimization framework for Data Quality Sequence Workflow. Submitted at SIGMOD-2021.
Skills and Frameworks:
Development of projects and content creation for Deep Learning with PyTorch and Computer Vision courses by
Skills and Frameworks:
Research project on Auto Deep Learning under Dr.Isabelle Guyon in collaboration with LRI, France and Google Zurich.
Skills and Frameworks:
Research and Development of Self driving car models. Worked on projects such as
Skills and Frameworks:
Skills and Frameworks:
Developed a Computer Vision Security System for the campus with Flask server and machine learning models.
Skills and Frameworks:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent for Navigator Environment
Policy based RL methods for Lunar lander and Cartpole environments.
TD methods like SARSA(0), SARSAMax and Expected SARSA.
MC method for BlackJack environment.
Recognizing the facial emotions with Deep learning model trained on PyTorch and deployed with TF.js model converted with ONNX.
Web Application for Diagnosis of Pnuemonia with deep learning model trained and backed with PyTorch framework.
Character level language model of RNN(LSTM) in PyTorch.
Computer vision security system server build with Python, OpenCV, Flask web server.
Emojify a sentence with NLP, flask server to emojify a sentence.
Recognizing the hand gesture using CNN feature extraction.
Lane Detection for self driving cars with Deep Learning(CNN) with the camera image data.
Multitasking learning to use the CNN extracted features for multiple tasks like predicting age, sex, face direction, etc.
Neural Style transfer of images in PyTorch.
Topic Modelling for New York Times news articles for given dates using NYTimes API.
A server client Reverse shell using python, can use any device’s shell using this from another device in the network.
Prediction of which direction the car should change the steering direction in autonomous mode with the camera image as the input using transfer learning and fine tuning.
Detection of other vehicles for self driving cars with YOLO in tensorflow.
Machine Translation english to french using Seq2Seq Attention model in PyTorch.
Signature verification with siamese network.
Sock Chat is a server-client chat application with database which can be used to any web server or software applications,
2 player Tic Tac Toe game programmed in JavaScript.
Sentiment analysis of tweets of any topic fetched with twitter API and sentiment analysis of the tweets with NLTK.
Estimation of a vehicle’s speed with its camera frames using deep leanring in PyTorch.
Live HTML, CSS, JavaScript code output.
This a web weekly scheduler build with JavaScript.